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Astrology, Horoscope & Predictions, Numerology, Gemstones, Vastu, Prasnam, Business & Technology consulting, Amazon Publishing, Software Development & Training &..more!

Among many alternative beliefs and systems, astrology is the first and most popular branch of believing past, present and future predictions for personal life, career, marriage, property, illness, travel, finance and so many other things in our life. Many of us are strongly believing the planetary science and the predictions based on the same having correct outcomes directly and indirectly. Basically we need to prepare a chart of horoscope in vedic, western or chinese for predictions. The other areas of astrology streams which are very popular are Numerology & Names, Gemology, Vastu & Feng Shui, Prasannam, Havan (Yagam), Remedies etc. Zodiac services is entrepreneurship service provider of most of the above said areas to help anyone with genuine requirement.

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